
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Harry Potter...A Cure for Insomnia?

Happy Tuesday!  I hope your day is going as splendidly as mine.  If not, I hope that this post may at least brighten your day a little bit.

It's been a while since my last post and one of the reasons for that is because my insomnia has been acting up.  When that happens I am pretty much a wreck until I can get my sleep schedule back on track. I try everything when I can't get to sleep: pills, chamomile tea, counting sheep, etc.  You name it, I've probably tried it. Much of my insomnia is attributed to anxiety and racing thoughts. In order to counteract that I need something to focus on.  One of the best ways I've found to do this is to listen to an audiobook.  

I have a rather bittersweet story about how I discovered this.  I was away at an internship one summer and I received one of the worst phone calls I'll ever remember.  My mom had called to tell me that my Grandpa had died.  I was devastated.  I loved my Grandpa so much and I couldn't believe he was gone.  I immediately called my boyfriend (now husband) seeking comfort for my broken heart.  He talked on the phone with me for hours.  I was reluctant to hang up because I knew I'd just start sobbing again.  I didn't think there was any way I could fall asleep that night, I was so broken up.  As I was getting ready for bed he suggested reading to me over the phone to help me fall asleep.  He took out Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and started reading. Sure enough I was able to fall asleep.  I was able to focus on his voice and on one of my favorite stories. I didn't think it was possible but I fell more in love with him then.  It's one of my fondest memories, in spite of the bad circumstances. 

I downloaded the audiobooks not long after that and began to listen to them on particularly bad evenings.  Jim Dale's voice is incredibly soothing. Additionally, because it is a story I already know but love hearing again, I am able to focus without getting caught up in needing to know what happens next.  

So if you have trouble falling asleep, I suggest trying an audiobook of your favorite story to help you. And, if you are worried about cost, be sure to look into Audiobooks or eAudiobooks from your local library. (You can keep the girl out of the library but you can't keep the librarian out of the girl.)  ;)

Happy Listening,

Cordelia M. Blythe


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