
Friday, July 29, 2016

Book Review: Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn

It's Friday! TGIF! Happy Weekend! Huzzah!

Anyway, I hope I find you all well and ready for the last weekend of July. (Can you believe it?) For my first official post I thought I'd share my review of the book Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn. After reading this I devoured just about everything Julia Quinn has ever written. This was also the first romance novel written by a contemporary author that I read.  It lead to my discovering many wonderful stories.

Anyway, this book was so sweet and funny, and was just what I needed to get me out of the funk I was in when I picked it up.  The relationship between Honoria and Marcus was so much fun to watch. Anytime an author is able to make my heart go pitter-patter due to the tension between the two romantic leads usually means it's going to become a new favorite. I pitter-pattered my way through the whole thing in one evening as I just couldn't put it down. This has become one of my go to books when I'm in need of a pick-me-up. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a sweet, funny, romantic story full of good feelings, bad music, and of course, chocolate cake. ;)

I was sold as soon as I read the synopsis:

Honoria Smythe-Smith is:

A) a really bad violinist 
B) still miffed at being nicknamed "Bug" as a child 
C) not in love with her older brother's best friend 
D) all of the above 

Marcus Holroyd is:
A) the Earl of Chatteris 
B) regrettably prone to sprained ankles 
C) not in love with his best friend's younger sister 
D) all of the above 

Together they:
A) eat quite a bit of chocolate cake 
B) survive a deadly fever and the world's worst musical performance 
C) fall quite desperately in love

It's Julia Quinn at her best, so you know the answer is ...
D) all of the above

(Doesn't that just make you want to pick it up and devour it like your favorite dessert?)

Be sure to visit your library, local bookstore, or check online to find a copy. 

Happy Reading,

Cordelia M Blythe

P.S.) Here is my review on Goodreads:

*Warning: there are some mature scenes in this book.

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